Ever wondered why we call anything small and pretty as “cute as a button”? Well, the etymology may have come with no definitive guidance; there is no doubt that buttons have a charm of its own. If you have a collection of colourful buttons, follow this article for some beautiful DIY crafts with buttons. After going through all the crafty ideas, you are going to try one of these for sure. So why wait, let us go to the first idea.
DIY crafts with buttons
Wind Chimes
Wind chimes are your lucky charms that attract positive energy and wards off bad luck. It is said that the gentle tinkling sounds of chimes help positive energy to linger on and attract prosperity to your space. Button wind chimes would not make that tinkling sound, but the beauty it bestows to viewers eyes are immense
A windchime with buttons is an excellent craft with button ideas. The chimes require buttons of different colours, a sturdy plastic lid, string, beads, and glue. Poke holes in the top and hang the beaded and button chains in the holes. Place the chime outside and enjoy its beauty.
Uncover More About : Crafts For Home Decor
Candle Holder
The candle holder is an excellent craft with buttons DIY. The work is effortless since you require only glass candleholders, glue, and buttons for the art. You can even use small glasses for this. Translucent buttons can be visually appealing as they let the light out of the candles through it, creating a cool visual effect.
Button Tray
Button tray can be an unusual idea since it is not a decorative item. To make this, you would require a wooden tray. Sand the wooden tray and paint the tray using acrylic paint with the colour you like. Stick a contrasting cardstock in it and glue buttons on to it. This DIY craft with buttons is a fantastic idea that is simple to make.
Button tree
Button Tree project is a perfect family project. You can make this project fun by including your kids for this activity. The art can be made bigger according to the size of the wall. Spray painting on the actual canvas using light pastel shades gives the whole art appealing. To paint the tree, use the Acrylic paint and do try including dimensional painting into it. Make the tree colourful with umpteen number of button collections you have.
Button pillow
One of the cutest crafts with buttons idea, which needs only a sturdy fabric, a thread to match the material and as many buttons you have. Ensure the colours of the button matches with the material you choose. Also, keep in handy pillow inserts, scissors, glue, and a sewing machine. Design the pattern and replicate the design on the pillow cover. Stick the buttons on to the fabric using a hot glue gun, and your cute button pillow is ready to use.
Picture frame
This is a perfect gift idea for your dear one. A simple and plain picture frame decorated with colourful buttons is a delight for your eyes. You can even decorate this picture frame at your home. To make this, you would need a bunch of buttons in different colours and sizes. Glue these buttons on to the frame in layers. If you want to have a monochromatic look for your frame, collect buttons of the same colours.
Button Pen Holder
Pen Holders are the things that remain at a prominent place at everyone’s house or in office. Do you want that to look adorable and funky or would you like to present an awesome pen holder to your loved one? Then button Pen holder could be your answer to this. Gifting a self-designed and self-crafted item will be more cherished than buying a new one from the market.
Button shoes
Are you bored with your shoe collection? Or do you want to revamp your old favourite shoes to a funky new pair? Take out your old shoes and paste a bunch of cute buttons over it. If you have a well-planned design, go ahead and buy those beautiful buttons that would look great on your feet. If you think you are going to overuse your shoe, plan to stitch buttons to your shoe, since pasting buttons will pop out fast.
Button Bracelets
A Button bracelet is an excellent DIY craft with buttons. All you need to make a button bracelet is a bunch of vintage buttons. Use a cutter to cut off the backing of the button and file the remaining stumps. Use a hot glue gun to paste these vintage buttons on to a plane bracelet. You can even make a bracelet using regular buttons and thread. Let your imagination go wild and let your creation display your innate talents.
Buttoned handbag
Buttoned purse is awesome DIY crafts with button ideas, only if you have enough patience and time in your hand. If you liked the idea so much and were clueless about finishing the work, try stitching or glueing the buttons on clutches.
Although the crafts with buttons ideas mentioned above do not have systematic tutorials, the designs are so simple that you do not need any particular guidance. Pick up any interesting craft ideas to spend your free time creatively.